
Testimonials about Write of Life

What clients have said about Write of Life Communication Coaching:

I just wanted to say that if I hadn’t been referred to you that I am not sure what would have happened to me. My life was in total chaos with the breakdown of my relationship and the terrible impact it was having on my two daughters.  You have been such a gentle, clear voice of reason and have helped me understand how I get in my own way and stop myself from moving forward with my life.  I love that you have never pressured me into talking when I have not been ready and yet you are there when I am, it is a rare thing today to have someone to talk to when you really need it and I know that it is your job but I never felt like I was just another job – do you know what I mean?  My friends are amazing but they are not objective and nor is my family, I understand that and I recommend you to all my friends now,  to reach out and share their problems with you Jacqueline because it has been life changing for me. In the best possible way.  You are never afraid to tell me the truth that I need to hear and yet I never feel judged or criticised by you, not quite sure how you achieve that.  Anyway, thanks again and from the bottom of my heart - Thank you!

SR  Northern Territory

Before I met Jacqueline I was feeling lost, confused, emotional and like my life was going round in a circle and I couldn't understand why. I was introduced to Jacqueline through my employer for some work related counselling, due to the nature of my job. Jacqueline has provided me with knowledge and support. She has helped me to understand myself and my path. She always provided the right amount of support, never too pushy, never boring, never un-necessary. Every single session I have had and continue to have with Jacqueline has been productive. As a result of the support she has provided I am now able to make much more conscious decisions. I understand myself a lot better and am able to realise how I tick. This has helped me in many areas of my life, work, family, friends, relationships. In some ways I almost feel like Jacqueline is my guardian angel.  It has been just over a year and the change in me and the progress I have made is amazing. I have had to be patient at times , expecting too much too quick. But Jacqueline's non judgemental attitude helped with that situation. I am grateful everyday that I was introduced to this remarkable lady and would totally recommend her services.
Thanks for all your help Jacqueline.

KS  Darwin Australia

To have guidance from a place of balance and clarity is a rare thing these days.  Jacqueline has been such a grounding force during a recent emotional and heated campaign headed by my organisation. Having her wise guidance, brilliance and innovation with regards to correspondence, press releases and response to criticism has been invaluable. Campaigns can be a tricky to navigate especially when you’re tired, stressed and under pressure.  Jacqueline’s calm, professional demeanour and wit helped me through some extremely difficult times. The successful stand by the Federal Government to ban the importation of African lion trophies and body parts can be attributed in part to Jacqueline’s professional assistance to For the Love of Wildlife.  She is also a great writer and editor and communicates so strategically, always looks for a win/win. Jacqueline’s astute intuition and capacity to see the big picture as well as her clever strategic manoeuvres, which have been both visionary and solution focussed, make her an invaluable addition to my critically important undertakings as a wildlife charity. I wouldn’t tackle any future project without having Jacqueline as my chief advisor. 

D.P. Melbourne

I have been working with Jacqueline on a bi-monthly and remote basis for the last 18 months, during which time she has assisted me enormously in navigating a very complex relationship scenario. She has a unique set of skills combining earthy realism and street smarts with her gifted and highly accurate intuitive ability, delivered with both compassion and an uncompromising dedication to getting to the truth of things. She is refreshingly clear, honest and a straight shooter! I am deeply indebted to her for her support and it is a privilege to be able to offer this testimonial.

DS psychotherapist WA

I have been fortunate to have worked with Jacqueline over a number of years, as a peer and with Jacqueline as my Coach. Jacqueline works from a position of clarity, respect and strength. It has been through our discussions that I have found the solutions within and have walked away stronger and more focused ready and able to move ever forward. She has a unique ability to sense the situation and to work with you to build your confidence and self-awareness.

T.D. Publisher and International Events Coordinator