Seven Senses Communication Consulting

Jacqueline Lahne
B.Soc.Sc, ACWA, Cert IV Trainer & Assessor, Facilitator and Mediator

Jacqueline works across Australia providing customised communication services to private enterprise, non-profit and charitable organisations and government departments.

If you've been recommended or have need of Jacqueline's services please contact Seven Senses.

Specialising In:

Customised Services:

  • Speech Writing
  • Tender Writing and Editing
  • Indigenous Employment Program Design and Development
  • Customised Community Services Training 
  • Strategic Planning and Facilitation
  • Coaching for Middle Management, Executives and Senior Staff
  • Policy & Procedure Development for Community Service Organisations
  • CEO/Senior Executive Relief Services

Projects Include:

Northern Territory:

  • Karen Sheldon Catering
  • Karen Sheldon Training and Development – Indigenous Specialists
  • Saltbush Mob Mandatory Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility
  • Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Education
  • Prospect -Tennant Creek
  • Territory Solar Project - Tennant Creek
  • Australian Employment Covenant - 50,000 Jobs for Indigenous Australians
  • Northern Territory Government – Education Writing - Panel Provider

Western Australia:

  • Emanuel Business Solutions
  • Black Swan Institute of Technology
  • Jobs South West Training and Community Services


Individual and Family Counselling & Coaching

Seven Senses Communication Consulting also provides coaching, counselling and mediation services to individuals, couples and families. For wordsmithing services, see Write of Life.

I invite you to contact me today!

~ Jacqueline